Virtual Camp
Dear Dream Day Community,
We are writing to you with a heavy yet hopeful heart in regard to this summer. After carefully analyzing the current public health crisis and considering our families and staff, we have decided not to open Dream Day this summer. We feel it would be irresponsible of us to bring families together in this time when social distancing is our most effective tool at curbing the spread of Covid-19 and because many of our campers are at increased risk of potentially fatal consequences should anyone come down with the virus.
That said, we are in the process of exploring for a Virtual Camp that will consist of amazing camp programming that you can access online. We want to bring camp to our families in these challenging times and we are trying to work out many creative ways to do just that. Camp is and will always be about connection and community and while that is difficult to replicate online, our proposed Virtual Camp will include both a library of content as well as live events. Our goal is to have this up and running by the time Dream Day would have opened this summer if we are able to secure funding during these uncertain times. (Stay tuned – we will have a virtual fundraiser where you can support this program by sponsoring a S’Mores night, a tie-dye afternoon and many more activities!)
We hope there will still be campfires, arts and crafts, and we hope there will still be camp, just in a different way than all of us are used to. Closing down our physical location is a heartbreakingly difficult decision but one we feel is necessary. At its core, Dream Day seeks to provide a safe community where people can have fun as a family. We think that, in this unprecedented time, our Virtual Camp holds true to our core values and is the safest option for those that make our camp what it is, our families.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions and we will continue to send out more information as this new idea takes shape.
We hope you are happy, healthy, and safe.