Reopening Plans – for your Safety and Comfort
When we receive permission to reopen, we will be ready for you. Our Museum is part of the Phase 3 Process of re-opening program in Massachusetts set by Governor Baker. With 3 recently completed exhibits in addition to our 11 others and our gardens in full bloom, we have also focused heavily on preparing the Museum to meet and exceed health and safety standards to create the best possible experience for you and your families.
Details about policies and procedures will be added to our website soon. A few important changes to visiting the Museum during the pandemic will be implemented:
– Reservations to visit the exhibits, volunteer, conduct research, drop off material, or accessing the building, will be required for everyone. This requirement is due to comply with capacity-controlled space regulations.
– Face masks must be worn at all times in the museum.
– You must agree to social distancing guidelines and only come in if you feel well.
There will be ample hand sanitizing supplies available and careful cleaning measures will be taken.
We want everyone to enjoy the Museum and we appreciate your support in helping us maintain the highest safety standards.
We hope to be able to re-open our doors by early July. Be sure to visit our website and Facebook page regularly for up-to-date information. While you are visiting our website, explore the many new resources we continue to add online. Some of our newest features are highlighted below.
Thank you for your ongoing and enthusiastic interest,
Danielle Jeanloz
Executive Director
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