Mashpee Senior Center
About Us
The Mashpee Senior Center welcomes residents 60 years of age and older and their care partners. A wide variety of social and wellness activities and services are available to enhance the lives of older adults in the Mashpee community. Social activities may include art classes, book and movie discussions as well as meditation, yoga and a travel club. Wellness programs include exercise, Zumba and dance classes as well as Aerobics for the Brain, coffee and health talks with the Visiting Nurse and support groups for Parkinson’s, Dementia and Alzheimer’s and Sight Loss. The Outreach Coordinators provide resources to assist older adults to remain independent in the community. We’re a site for the Mashpee Veterans Services Agent, as well as a site for the AARP income tax preparation program, SHINE (Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Everyone) program and Elder Services of Cape Cod senior dining program. Transportation services are available as well. Without the time and talent shared by our many volunteers much of this would not be possible.
Contact Us
To learn more about these and other programs, services and volunteer opportunities we invite you to visit the Mashpee Senior Center at 26 Frank E. Hicks Drive, Mashpee MA
phone: 508-539-1440, email: [email protected] or visit our website: