Association to Preserve Cape Cod

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Association to Preserve Cape Cod

482 Main St, Dennis, MA 02638
I'm Interested Visit Website Volunteer Page
Our mission

The mission of the Association to Preserve Cape Cod, APCC, is to preserve, protect and enhance the natural resources of Cape Cod.



Volunteer positions cover a range of activities depending on your interests and talents. If you like to work outside, help us with our Living Landscape Laboratory. Maybe you’d like to be a citizen scientist, or work on office-related projects. If you have time to give and want to help preserve, protect, and restore Cape Cod’s environment, we’d love to hear from you!

  • Weekly, Monthly
  • Teens, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Indoor, Outdoor
  • Formal
About us

Cape Cod is a fragile land of unique habitats and sensitive natural resources. Our ponds, meadows, forests, dunes, salt marshes, heathlands and beaches are inextricably linked to our economy and our way of life. APCC is committed to the stewardship of this special land of sand and water, speaking out for Cape Cod’s environment, building effective partnerships, and providing real solutions for Cape Cod’s environmental challenges—now and for future generations.