Our mission | The National Marine Life Center rehabilitates and releases stranded marine mammals and sea turtles in order to advance science and education in marine wildlife health and conservation. |
Opportunities |
Items we need |
Alcohol prep pads Betadine disinfectant Betadine prep pads Bleach disinfectant Chlorhexidine (Nolvasan) disinfectant Culture swabs Fluids (especially lactated ringers) Gauze pads Gift Cards from PetCo & PetSmart Hand sanitizer Hemostats IV sets/lines Isopropyl Alcohol for disinfection Laundry detergent Microscope slides & cover slips Needles (23g, 22g, 21g, 20g, 18g, 16g, spinal) Non-latex (Nitrile) exam gloves Pyrex 2-cup measuring cups Rubber Boots (All Sizes, heavy duty) Scrubs (tops and bottoms) Slickers (heavy duty bibs and jackets; e.g., Grundens) Syringes (12cc, 20cc, 30cc, 60cc) Surgical masks Virkon disinfectant Feeding Syringes (400-500ml) Large Canine Feeding Tubes Hand truck, hand cart (heavy duty) pH meter Portable ultrasound machine Refractometers Scales, small for weighing food Salinity Meter Satellite tags Shelving (sturdy plastic) Stethoscopes Storage cabinets (plastic, e.g., Rubbermaid) Televisions – flat panel, to monitor patients Calcium Tablets Glucose Tabs Herring (frozen) Lactaid Tabs Marine Mammal Tabs Milk Matrix 30/52 NaCl Tabs Quahogs Romaine Lettuce Sea Tabs Squid (frozen) Table Salt Vitamin B Complex Vitamin B1 Vitamin C Easels, for display Gift Cards from A.C. Moore & Michaels Gift Cards from Oriental Trading Company Hand puppets of marine animals Measuring tapes – metric/English Memory wire Plastic and plush models of ocean animals Copy machine paper (8½ x 11″) Cleaning supplies Gift Cards from Citgo, Exxon, Shell Gift Cards from Home Depot, Lowes Gift Cards from Staples Gift Cards from Stop & Shop, Shaws, Trader Joes Gift Cards from CVS, Target, Walgreens, Walmart Lamination paper Laptop computers, wifi capable, Windows 10 Paper towels Photo paper – InkJet compatible Printer Ink – HP 950/951XL + 902XL Rock Solid Floor Sealer Tape – Duck, Masking, & Clear Trash bags |
About us | The National Marine Life Center (NMLC) is an independent, non-profit 501(c)(3) marine animal hospital and science and education center. |