Cold Noses Foundation

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Cold Noses Foundation

100 Independence Dr Suite+7+428, Hyannis, MA 02601
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Our mission

Our Mission: Preventing animal suffering around the world by funding life-saving veterinary care, outreach and emergency relief programs.


Sporting Event Volunteer

If you have a particular sporting event in which you would like to compete, you may be able to be sponsored by Team Cold Noses! Contact us via the sporting event form and we will determine if we are able to sponsor your registration.

  • One-time
  • Adults
  • Individuals
  • Outdoor
About us

Cold Noses is a grant-making organization. We focus on the small, but effective organizations, allowing us to provide critically needed funds to those organizations who are doing excellent work in their communities. These are the “boots on the ground” rescues that are out there in the streets, in the swamps and anywhere else there are animals in need- feeding, rescuing and caring for the abandoned, abused and injured animals.