Nantucket Community Television

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Nantucket Community Television

9 Bayberry Ct, Nantucket, MA 02554
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Our mission

Our mission is to inspire the Nantucket community, to explore ideas, share information, and highlight the island’s people, stories and culture through local television and on-line programming.


Event Support

NCTV is always looking for help with protections and events.

  • Occasional
  • Teens, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Event support
About us

Since 2012, NCTV18 has had a 25% compounded annual growth rate of youth students. 30% have gone on to pursue media arts, journalism or communication design majors. 40% have used the knowledge that they learned as part of their application process for universities. NCTV18 has captured over 800 town/government meetings, becoming a resource to students to watch on a local broadcast for homework assignments. Every year, it has produced unique programming where a total of 14 student interns have had hands-on learning. 60% of our young students have completed short films submitted to the Nantucket SHORTS film festival. NCTV18 has engaged with over 50,000 viewers online and on broadcast. NCTV18 was honored as one of the best Media Creators in Massachusetts 2018 by MASS ACCESS Awards. We have earned GuideStarSilver status for transparency.