Mashpee Council on Aging

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Mashpee Council on Aging

26 Frank E. Hicks Dr, Mashpee, MA 02649
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Our mission

The Council on Aging is a department of the Town of Mashpee. Its charge is to sponsor, coordinate, or conduct human service, educational, social and recreational services and programs at the Mashpee Senior Center, as well as to identify and create opportunities and solutions for the empowerment and betterment of the Town’s seniors and their care partners. This is accomplished with the support of a volunteer advisory board, also known as the Council on Aging.


Join the Council on Aging

The Council on Aging Committee meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 9:00am at the Mashpee Senior Center.

  • Monthly
  • 21+
  • Individuals
  • Indoor
  • On-site
  • Weekdays

No matches for criteria.

How you help

The volunteer advisory board empowers the town’s Seniors and their care partners.

About us

The Mashpee Senior Center is a site for a variety of different support groups and service providers to assist Mashpee seniors, including legal assistance, grief counseling, mental health consultation, blood pressure clinic, foot care clinic, Hope Dementia & Alzheimer’s Services Caregiver Support Group, SHINE (Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Everyone) counseling, Parkinson’s Support Group, hearing tests, Candid Coffee Hour with a nurse from the VNA of Cape Cod, Veteran’s Services, Sight Loss Services Peer Support Group, and other services.